School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


M. Knaaplia, V. M. Garamus, L. Almasy, J. S. Pang, M. Forster, A. Gutacker, U. Scherf, A. P. Monkman:
Fractal aggregates of polyfluorene-polyaniline triblock copolymer in solution state
J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 16415 (2008).

V. M. Velasco, M. G. Zolotukhin, M. T. Guzman-Gutierrez, S. L. Morales , S. Formine, M. P. Carreon-Castro, U. Scherf:
Novel aromatic polymers with pentafluorophenyl pendant groups
Macromolecules, 41, 8504 (2008).

T. W. Bünnagel, B. S. Nehls, F. Galbrecht, K. Schottler, C. J. Kudla, M. Volk, J. Pina, J. S. S. de Melo, H. D. Burrows, U. Scherf:
Thiophene-phenylene/naphthalene-based step-ladder copolymers
J. Polymer Sci. A, 46, 7342 (2008).

S. Joshi, S. Grigorean, U. Pietsch, P. Pingel, A. Zen, D. Neher, U. Scherf:
Thickness dependence of the crystalline structure and hole mobility in thin films of low molecular weight poly(3-hexylthiophene)
Macromolecules, 42, 6800 (2008).

F. Jaiser, D. Neher, A. Meisel, H.-G. Nothofer, T. Miteva, A. Herrmann, K. Müllen, U. Scherf:
Energy and charge transfer in blends of dendronized perylenes with polyfluorene
J. Chem. Phys., 129, 114901 (2008).

H. Scheiber, M. Graf, H. Plank, E. Zojer, C. Slugovc, S. Kappaun, F. Galbrecht, U. Scherf, E. J. W. List:
The influence of UV irradiation on ketonic defect emission in fluorene-based copolymers
Adv. Func. Mater., 18, 2480 (2008).

H. Cheun, X. Liu, F. J. Himpsel, M. Knaapila, U. Scherf, M. Torkkeli, M. J. Winokur:
Polarized optical adsorption spectroscopy, NEXAFS, and GIXRD measurements of chain alignement in polyfluorene thin films
Macromolecules, 41, 6463 (2008).

U. Scherf, A. Gutacker, N. Koenen:
All-conjugated block copolymers
Acc. Chem. Res., 41, 1086 (2008).

J. Y. Park, N. Koenen, M. Forster, R. Ponnapati, U. Scherf, R. Advincula:
Interplay of vesicle and lamellae formation in an amphiphilic polyfluorene-b-polythiophene all-conjugated diblock copolymer at the air-water interface
Macromolecules, 41, 6169 (2008).

A. J. Moule, S. Allard, N. M. Kronenberg, A. Tsami, U. Scherf, K. Meerholz:
Effect of polymer nanoparticle formation on the efficiency of polythiophene based "bulk-heterojunction" solar cells
J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 12583 (2008).

P. Pacher, A. Lex, V. Proschek, H. Etschmaier, E. Tchernychova, M. Sezen, U. Scherf, W. Grogger, G. Trimmel, C. Slugovc, E. Zojer:
Chemical control of local doping in organic thin-film transistors: From depletion to enhancement
Adv. Mater., 20, 3143 (2008).

C. Gadermeier, F. Grasse, S. Perissinotto, M. Graf, F. Galbrecht, U. Scherf, E. J. W. List, G. Lanzani:
Electric field effect on energy transfer monitored by bimolecular annihilation
Phys. Rev. B, 78, 045207 (2008).

A. J. Moule, A. Tsami, T. W. Bünnagel, M. Forster, N. M. Kronenberg, M. Scharber, M. Koppe, M. Morana, C. J. Brabec, K. Meeholz, U. Scherf:
Two novel cyclopentadihiophenpolyfluorene-based alternating copolymers as potential donor components for high-efficiency bulk-heterojunction-type solar cells
Chem. Mater., 20, 4045 (2008).

B. Butun, K. Koray, E. Ulker, S. Cheylan, G. Badenes, M. Forster, U. Scherf, E. Ozbay:
A hybrid light source with integrated inorganic light-emitting doide and organic polymer distributed feedback grating
Nanotechenology, 19, 195202 (2008).

E. Fisslthaler, S. Sax, U. Scherf, G. Mauthner, E. Moderegger, K. Landfester, E. J. W. List:
Inkjet printed polymer light-emitting devices fabricated by thermal embedding of semiconducting polymer nanospheres in an inert matrix
Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 183305 (2008).

M. Knaapila, R. Stepanyan, M. Torkkeli, V. M Garamus, F. Galbrecht, B. S. Nehls, E. Preis, U. Scherf, A. P. Monkman:
Control over phase behavior and solution structure of hairy-rod polyfluorene by means of side -chain lentgh and branching
Phys. Rev. E, 77, 051803 (2008).

V. D. B. Bonifacio, J. Morgado, U. Scherf:
Polyfluorenes with on-chain dibenzoborole units - synthesis and anion-induced photoluminescence quenching
J. Polymer Sci. A, 46, 2878 (2008).

M. Knaapila, L. Almasy, V. M. Garamus, M. L. Ramos, L. L. G. Justino, F. Galbrecht, E. Preis, U. Scherf, H. D. Burrows, A.P. Monkman:
An effect of side chain length on the solution structure of poly(9,9-dialkylfluorene)s in toluene
Polymer, 49, 2033 (2008).

J. Y. Park, N. Koenen, R. Ponnapati, M. Forster, U. Scherf, R. C. Advincula:
Interfacial behavior and morphology of a polyfluorene-polythiophene diblock copolymer at the air-water interface
Polym. Prepr. 49, 501 (2008).

H. D. Burrows, M. Knaapila, A. P. Monkman, M. J. Tapia, S. M. Fonseca, M. L. Ramos, W. Pyckhout-Hintzen, S. Pradhan, U. Scherf:
Structural studies on cationic poly{9,9-bis[6-(N,N,N,-trimethylammonium) alkyl]fluorene-co-1,4-phenylene} iodides in aqueous solution s in the presence of non-ionic surfactant pentaethyleneglycol monododecyl ether (C12E5)
J. Phys. - Condensed Matter, 20,104210 (2008).

A. Zen, P. Pingel, D. Neher, U. Scherf:
Organic transistors utilising highly soluble swivel-cruciform oligithiophenes
Phys. Stat. Solidi A, 205, 440 (2008).

C. Gadermaier, F. Grasse, S. Perissinotto, M. Graf, F. Galbrecht, U. Scherf, E. J. W. List, G. Lanzani:
Stark spectroscopy of exited-state transitions in a conjugated polymer
Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 057401 (2008).

J. Pina J. S. de Melo, H. D. Burrows, F. Galbrecht, A. Bilge, C. J. Kudla, U. Scherf:
Excited state properties of oligophenyl and oligothienyl swivel cruciforms
J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 1104 (2008).

H. L. Vaughan, A. P. Monkman, L. O. Palsson, B. S. Nehls, T. Farrell, U. Scherf:
On the angular dependence of the optcal polarization anisotropy in ladder-type polymers
J. Chem. Phys., 128, 044709 (2008).

S. Allard, M. Forster, B. Souharce, H. Thiem, U. Scherf:
Organic semiconductors for solution processable field-effect transistors (OFETs)
Angew. Chem. - Intern. Ed., 47, 4070 (2008).

H. D, Burrows, S. M. Fonseca, C. L. Silva, A. A. C. C. Pais, M. J. Tapia, S. Pradhan, U. Scherf:
Aggregation of the hairy rod conjugated polyeletrolyte poly[1,4-phenylene-[9,9-bis(4-phenoxybutyl-sulfonate)]fluorene-2,7-diyl} in aqueous solution: An experimental and molecular modelling study
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 10, 4420 (2008).

E. Fisslthaler, A. Blümel,, K. Landfester, U. Scherf, E.J. W. List:
Printing functional nanostructures: A novel route towards nanostructering of organic electronic devices via soft embossing, inkjet printing and colloidal self assembly of semiconducting polyme nanospheres
Soft Matter, 4, 2448 (2008).

K. Baumann, N. Moll, T. Stöferle, T. Wahlbrink, J. Bolton, T. Mollenhauer, C. Moormann, B. Wang, U. Scherf, R. F. Mahrt:
Ultra-small footprint photonic crystal lasers with organic gain material
Proceed. of SPIE, 6999, 699906 (2008).

T. Wellinger, C. Pflumm, J. Becker, T. Weimann, M. Campoy-Quiles, P. N. Stavrinou, U. Scherf, D. D. C. Bradley:
Blue-light emitting polymer lasers with non-periodic circular Bragg resonators
Proceed. of SPIE, 6999, 699907 (2008).

C. Brabec, V. Dyakonov, and U. Scherf, eds:
Organic Photovoltaics
Wiley-VCH, Heidelberg, 2008.

U. Scherf, and D. Neher, eds.:PolyfluorenesAdv. Polym. Sci., Vol. 212, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008.