School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


E. J. W. List, U. Scherf, K. Müllen, W. Graupner, CH. Kim, J. Shinar:
Direct evidences or singlet-triplte exciton in pi-conjugated polymers
Phys. Rev. B., 66, 235203 (2002).

A. Pogantsch, G. Trattnig, G. Langer, W. Kern, U. Scherf, H. Tillmann, H. H. Hörhold, E. Zojer:
Multicolor organic electrolumnescent devices by a reductive photo-patterning method
Adv. Mater., 14, 1722 (2002).

J. M. Lupton, A. Pongantsch, T. Piok, E. J. W. List, S. Patil, U. Scherf:
Intrinsic room-temperature electrophosphorescence from a ϖ-conjugated polymer
Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 167401 (2002).

E. Zojer, A. Ponantsch, E. Hennebicq, D. Beljonne, J. L. Bredas, P. S. de Freitas, U. Scherf; E. J. W. List:
Green emission from poly(fluorene)s: The role of oxidation
J. Chem. Phys., 117, 6794 (2002).

R. Güntner, U. Asawapirom, M. Forster, C. Schmitt, B. Stiller, B. Tiersch, A. Falcou, H.-G. Nothofer, U. Scherf:
Conjugated polyfluorene/polyaniline block copolymers - improved synthesis and nanostructure formation
Thin Solid Films, 417, 1 (2002).

XH. Yang, D. Neher, S. Lucht, H.-G. Nothofer, R. Güntner, U. Scherf, R. Hagen, S. Kostromine:
Efficient polarized light-emitting diodes utilizing ultrathin photoadressble alignment layers
Appl. Phys. Lett., 81, 2319 (2002).

C. Gadermaier, G. Cerullo, M. Zaveleni-Rossi, G. Sansone, G. Lanzani, E. Zojer, A. Pogantsch, D. Beljonne, Z. Shuai, J. L. Bredas, U. Scherf. G. Leising:
Ultrafast photoexcitation dynamics in a ladder-type oligophenyl
Phys. Rev. B., 66, 125203 (2002).

C. Gadermaier, G. Cerullo, G. Sansone, G. Leising, U. Scherf, G. Lanzan::
Time-resolved charge carrier generation from higher lying excited states in conjugated polymers
Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 117402(2002).

M. Oda, H.-G. Nothofer, U. Scherf, V. Sunjic, D. Richter, W. Regenstein, D. Neher:
Chiropitcal properties of chiral substituted polyfluorenes
Macromolecules, 35, 6792 (2002).

Y. S. Jung, TY. Cho, J. Luning, C. W. Frank, H.-G. Nothofer, U. Scherf, DY. Yoon:
Study of surface order in polyfluorene films from NEXAFS experiments
Abstr. Amer. Chem. Soc., 224, U383 (2002).

C. Rothe, S. I. Hintschich, L. O. Palsson, A. P. Monkman, R. Güntner, U. Scherf:
Pressure dependence radiative quantum yields of the prompt and delayed luminescence of polyfluorene films
Chem. Phys. Lett., 360, 111 (2002).

A. Zen, D. Neher, C. Bauer, U. Asawapirom, U. Scherf, R. Hagen, S. Kostromine, R. F. Mahrt:
Polarization-sensitive photoconductivity in aligned polyfluorene layers
Appl. Phys. Lett., 80, 4699 (2002).

Y. K. Nakazawa, S. A. Carter, H.-G. Nothofer, U. Scherf, V. Y. Lee, R. D. Miller, J. S. Scott
Effects of polymer sidebranching in double- and single-layer polyfluorene light-emitting diodes
Appl. Phys. Lett., 80, 3832 (2002).

K. Landfester, R. Montenegro, U. Scherf, R. Güntner, U. Asawapirom, S. Patil, D. Neher, T. Kietzke:
Semiconducting polymer nanospheres in aqueous dispersion prepared by a miniemulsion process
Adv. Mater., 14, 651 (2002).

C. Bauer, B. Schnabel, E. B. Kley, U. Scherf, H. Giessen, R. F. Mahrt:
Two-photon pumped lasing from a two-dimensional photonic bandgap structure with polymeric gain material
Adv. Mater., 14, 673 (2002).

D. Somitsch, F. P. Wenzl, E. J. W. List, P. Wilhelm, U. Scherf, G. Leising, P. Knoll:
The Raman spectra of different ladder type poly(p-phenylenes) and ladder type oligo(p-phenylenes)
Macromol. Symposia, 181, 383 (2002).

D. Somitsch, F. P. Wenzl, E. J. W. List, U. Scherf, G. Leising, P. Knoll:
Ab initio calculations on the vibrational behavior of ladder type oligo(p-phenylenes)
Macromol. Symposia, 181, 389 (2002).

N. Moll, R. F. Mahrt, C. Bauer, H. Giessen, B. Schnabel, E. B. Kley U. Scherf:
Evidence for bandegde lasing in a two-dimensional photonic bandgab polymer laser
Appl. Phys. Lett., 80, 2610 (2002).

J. G. Müller, U. Lemmer, J. Feldmann, U. Scherf:
Precursor states for charge carriers generation in conjugated polymer probed by ultrafast spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. Lett., 88, 147401 (2002).

U. Scherf, E. J. W. List:
Semiconducting polyfluorenes - Towars reliable structure-property relationships
Adv. Mater., 14, 477 (2002).

U. Rant, U Scherf, M. Rehahn, P. Galda, J. L. Bredas, E. Zojer:
Influence of the degree of conjugation on excited state lifetimes in phenylene-based materials

Synth. Met., 127, 241 (2002).

E. J. W. List, R. Güntner, P. S. de Freitas, U. Scherf:
The effect of keto defect sites on the emission properties of polyfluorene-type materials
Adv. Mater., 14, 374 (2002).

P. S. de Freitas, U. Scherf, M. Collon, E. J. W. List:
(9,9-Dialkyfluorenone-co-fluorenone) copolymers containing low fluorenone fractions as model systems for degradation-induces changes in polyfluorene-type semiconducting materials
E-polymers, 009 (2002).

G. Ferrari, D. Natali, M. Sampietro, F. P. Wenzl, U: Scherf, C. Schmitt, R. Güntner, G. Leising:
Current noise spectrososcopy ob mLPPP based organic light emitting diodes
Org. Electronics, 3, 33 (2002).

F. P. Wenzl, P. Pacher, E. J. W. List, D. Somitsch, P. Knoll, S. Patil, R. Güntner, U. Scherf, G. Leising:
Self-absorption effects in a LEC with low Stokes shifts
Physica E, 13, 2151 (2002).

R. Schröder, W. Graupner, U. Scherf, B. Ullrich:
Intrachain exciton quencing analysis in conjugated polymers by two-photn spectroscopy
J. Chem. Phys. 116, 3449 (2002).

F. C. Grozema, L. D. A. Siebbels, J. M. Warmann, S. Seki, S. Tagawa, U. Scherf
Hole conduction along molecular wires: σ-bonded silicon versus ϖ-bond-conjugated carbon
Adv. Mater., 14, 228 (2002).

N. Moll, R. F. Mahrt, C. Bauer, H. Giessen, B. Schnabel, E. B. Kley, U. Scherf:
Evidence for bandedge lasing ina two-dimensional photonic bandgap polymer laser
Appl. Phys. Lett., 80, 734 (2002).

S. F. Alvarado, S. Barth, H. Bussler, U. Scherf, J. W. van der Horst, P. A. Bobbert, M. A. J. Michels:
Spatially resolved STM spectroscopy in charge injection at the ladder-type poly(pap-phenylene)/Au(111) interface
Adv. Func. Mater., 12, 117 (2002).

A. Haugeneder, U. Lemmer, U. Scherf:
Exciton dissociation dynamics in a conjugated polymer containing aggregate states

Chem. Phys. Lett., 351, 354 (2002).

G. Fytas, H.-G. Nothofer, U. Scherf, D. Vlassopoulos, G. Meier:
Structure and dynamics of nondilute polyfluorene solutions
Macromolecules, 35, 481 (2002).

D. Sainova, A. Zen, H.-G. Nothofer, U. Asawapirom, U. Scherf, R. Hagen, T. Bieringer, S. Kostromine, D. Neher:
Photoaddressable alignement layers for fluorescent polymers in polarized electroluminescent devices
Adv. Func. Mater., 12, 49 (2002).

R. W. T. Higgins, A. P. Monkman, H.G. Nothofer, U. Scherf:
Energy transfer to porhyrin derivative dopants in polymer light-emitting diodes
J. Appl. Phys., 91, 99 (2002)

U. Asawapirom, R. Güntner, M. Forster, T. Farrell, U. Scherf:
Dialyklfluorene-oligothiophene and dialkylluorene-dithienylvinylene alternating copolymers
Synthesis, 9, 1136 (2002).