School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


F. Garisch, G. Ligorio, P. Klein, M. Forster, U. Scherf, E. J. W. List-Kratochvil:
Organic synaptic diodes based on polymeric mixed ionic-electronic conductors
Adv. Electron. Mater., 2100866 (2021).

A. V. Zasedatelev, A. V. Baranikov, D. Urbonas, F. Scafirimuto, V. Y. Shishkov, E. S. Andrianov, Y. E. Lozovik, U. Scherf, T. Stöferle, R. F. Mahrt, P. G. Lagoudakis:
Single-photon nonlineraity at room temperature
Nature, 597, 493 (2021).

C. Cunha, P. Klein, C. Rosenauer, U. Scherf, J. S. S. de Melo:
Fluorescence studies on a thermoresponsive PNIPMA-polyflorene graft copolymer
Macromolecules, 54, 7612 (2021).

D. Wetterling, A. C. B. Rodrigues, M. Forster, J. S. S. de Melo, U. Scherf:
Cationic diazapentacenium polymers made in a sequene of C-N cross coupling polymerizasion and acid-mediated cyclization
Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2100370 (2021).

M. T. Unruh, U. Scherf, H. Bahmann, A. C. B. Rodrigues, C. Cunha, J. S. S. de Melo, J. Schedelbauer, J. M. Lupton:
Unexpectedly flexible grahene nanoribbons with a polyacene ladder skeleton
J. Mater. Chem. C, 27, 2050 (2021).

F. Scuratti, J. M. Salazar-Rios, A. Luzio, S. Kowalski, S. Allard, S. Jung, U. Scherf, M. A. Loi, M. Caironi:
Charge transport in high-mobility field-effect transistors based on inkjet printed random networks of polymer wrapped single-walled carbon nanotubes
Adv. Func. Mater., 31, 2006895 (2021).

A. Pipertz, G. Papamokros, O. Sachnik, S. Allard, U. Scherf, G. Floudas:
Ionic conductivity in polyfluorene-based diblock copolymers comprising nanodomains of a polymerized ionic liquid and a solid polymer electrolyte doped with LiTFSi
Commun. Physics, 4, 39 (2021).

M. T. Sajjad, A. K. Bansal, F. Antolini, E. Preis, L. Stroea, S. Toffanin, M. Muccini, L. Ortolani, A. Migliori, S. Allard, U. Scherf, I D. W. Samuel:
Development of quantum dot (QD) based color converters for multicolor display
Nanomaterials, 11, 1089 (2021).

A. C. B. Rodrigues, D. Wetterling, U. Scherf, J. S. S. de Melo:
Tunable J-aggregates formation and emission efficiency in cationic diazapentacenium-dyes
Chemistry - A Europ. J., 27, 7826 (2021).

A. C. B. Rodrigues, A. Eckert, J. Pina, U. Scherf, J. S. S. de Melo:
Polymeric near infrared emitters with bay-annulated indigo mioties
Mater. Adv., (2021).

F. Scafirimuto, D. Urbonas, M. A. Becker, U. Scherf, R. F. Mahrt, T. Stöferle:
Tunable exciton-polariton condensation in a two-dimensional Lieb lattice at room temperature
Commun. Physics, 4, 39 (2021).

J. A. Tent, R. Ammenhäuser, M. Braun. U. Scherf:
Electrooxidative generation of polymer films from rigid tricarbazole monomers
RSC Advances, 11, 4654 (2021).