School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


I. N. Rendon-Enriquez, M. W. Tausch U. Scherf:
Curricular innovation electrochromic window with conductive polymers
CiuZ, 50, 400 (2016).

M. W. Tausch, I. N. Rendón-Enriquez, U. Scherf:
Elektrochrome Fenster - Impusle für Jugend forscht & Co.
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Chemie in der Schule, 65, 34 (2016).

M. Ivanovic, U. Aygül, U. Dettinger, A. Tournebize, M. Polek, D. Batchelor, S. Mangold, M. Forster, U. Scherf, H. Peisert, T. Chassé:
Electronic structure and self-organization properties of low band gap polymers: The effect of the introduction on additional thiophene moieties
Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 157, 286 (2016).

D. Urbonas, T. Stoferle, F. Scafirimuto, U. Scherf, R. F. Mahrt:
Zero-dimensional organic exciton-polaritons in tunable coupled gaussian defect microcavities at room temperature
ACS Photonics, 3, 1542 (2016).

J. E. Housten, M. Kraft, I. Mooney, A. E. Terry, U. Scherf, R. C. Evans:
Charge-mediated localization of conjugated polythiophenes in zwitterionic model cell membranes
Langmuir, 32, 8141 (2016).

D. R. Batchelor, Ü, Aygül, U. Dettinger, M. Ivanovic, A. Tournebize, S. Mangold, M. Forster, U. Scherf, H. Peisert, T. Chassé:
Insight into the orientation of LBG polymer films by XANES experiment and calculation
Eur. Polym. J., 81, 686 (2016).

A. Räupke, A. Palma-Cando, E. Shkura, P. Teckhausen, A. Polywka, P. Görrn, U. Scherf, T. Riedl:
Highly sensitive gas-phase explosive detection by luminscent microporous networks
Sci. Reports, 6, 29118 (2016).

S. G. Bucella, J. M. Salazar-Rios, V. Derinskyi, M. Fritsch, U. Scherf, M. A. Loi, M. Caironi:
Inkjet printed single-walled carbon nanotubes based ambipolar and unipolar transistors for high-performance complementary circuis
Adv. Electron. Mater., 2, 1600094 (2016).

K. Yuan, T. Hu, Y.Z. Xu, R. Graf, G. Brunklaus, M. Forster, Y.W. Chen, U. Scherf:
Engineering the morphology of carbon materials 2D porous carbon nanosheets for high-performance supercapacitors
ChemElectroChem, 3, 822 (2016).

K.-J. Kass, M. Forster, U. Scherf:
Incorporating an alternating donor-acceptor structure into a ladder polymer backbone
Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 55 7616 (2016).

K. Yuan, X. Zhuang, H. Fu, G. Brunklaus, M. Forster, Y. Chen, X. Feng, U. Scherf:
Two-dimensional core-shelled porous hybrids as highly efficient catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction
Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 55 6858 (2016).

J. E. Houston, M. Kraft, U. Scherf, R. C. Evans:
Sequential detection of multiple phase transistions in model biological membranes using a red-emitting conjugated polyeleytrolyte
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 12423 (2016).

M. Knaapila, R. Stepanyan, M. Tokkeli, D. Haase, N. Fröhlich, A. Helfer, M. Forster, U. Scherf:
Effect on side-chain asymmetry on the intermolecular structure and order-disorder transition in alkyl-substitutes polyfluorenes
Phys. Rev. E, 55 6858 (2016).

A. Palma-Cando, U. Scherf:
Electrochemically generated thin films of microporous polymer networks: Synthesis, properties, and applications
Macromol. Chem. Phys., 217, 827 (2016).

S. Romero-Servin, L. A. Lozano-Hernandez, J. L. Maldonado, R. Carriles, G. Ramos-Ortiz, E. Perez-Gutierrrez, U. Scherf, M. G. Zolotukhin:
Light emission properties of a cross-conjugated fluorene polymer: Demonsation of its use in electro-luminescence and lasing devices
Polymer, 8, 43 (2016).

S. Baderschneider, U. Scherf, J. Köhler, R. Hildner:
Influence of the conjugation length on the optical spectra of single ladder-type (p-phenylene) dimers and polymers
J. Phys. Chem. A, 120, 233 (2016).

S. Z. Bisri, V. Derenskyi, W. Gomulya, J. M. Salazar-Rios, M. Fritsch, N. Fröhlich, S. Jung, S. Allard, U. Scherf, M. A. Loi:
Anomalous carrier transport in ambipolar field-effect transistor of large diameter single-walled carbon nanotube network
Adv. Elec. Mater., 2, 1500222 (2016).

S. Bandyopadhyay, R.- Metivier, P. Pallavi, E. Preis, K. Natatani, K. Landfester, A. Patra, U. Scherf:
Conjugated polymer nanoparticle triplet emitter hybrids in aqueous dispersion: Fabrication and fluorescence quenching bahavior
Macromol. Rapid Commun., 37, 271 (2016).

A. K. Bansal, F. Antonlin S. Zhang, L. Stroea, L. Orolani, M. Lanzi, E. Serra, S. Allard, U. Scherf, I. D. W. Samuel:
Highly luminescent colloidal CdS quantum dots with efficient near infrared electroluminescence in light-emitting diodes
J. Phys. Chem. C, 120, 1871 (2016).

N. Willis-Fox, M. Kraft, J. Arlt, U. Scherf, R. C. Evans:
Tunable white-light emission from conjugated polymer-di-ureasil materials
Adv. Func. Mater., 26, 532 (2016).