Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften


D. A. Sannikov, A. V. Baranikov, A. D. Putintsev, M. Misko, A. V. Zasedatelev, U. Scherf, P. G. Lagoudatis:
Room temperature, cascadable, all-optical polariton universal gates
Nature Commun., 14, 5362, (2024).

A. D. Putintsev, A. V. Zasedatelev, V. Y. Shishkov, M. Misko, D. A. Sannikov, E. S. Adrianov, Y. E. Lozovik, U. Scherf, P. G. Lagoudatis:
Photon staticstics of organic polariton candensates
Phys. Rev. B, 110, 045125 (2024).

D. Urbonas, A. J. Moilanen, K. B. Arnardottir, U. Scherf, R. F. Mahrt, P. Torma, T. Stöferle:
Temporal modeswitching, during polariton condensation
Commun. Phys.,  7, 203 (2024).

M. T. Unruh, GZ. Wen, M. Bonn, S, Ossella, H. I. Wang, U. Scherf:
Two regioisomeric ladder polymers with fully conjugated or cross-conjugated polyacene-type skeleton
Macromolecules,  57, 6390 (2024).

H. Quioz-Arturo, C. Reinoso, U. Scherf, A. Palma-Cando:
Microporous polymer-modified glassy carbon electrodes for the electrochemical detection of metreoidazole: experimantal and theoretical insights
Nanomaterials, 14, 180 (2024).